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Showing posts with label Cristallini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cristallini. Show all posts

The love for dresses is everlasting


RO: Ieri m-am indragostit! Nu, nu de un barbat, ci de o rochie! Noi, femeile, stim cate sentimente poate naste in noi o rochie si mai stim ca niciun obiect vestimentar nu ne face sa ne simtim mai admirate si mai dorite decat o rochie care arata minunat pe noi, o rochie care ne ofera statutul de femeie senzuala. Azi a venit momentul sa vi-o prezint si voua: este o rochie de ocazie, potrivita pentru un cocktail, un eveniment de moda, o petrecere grozava pe o terasa.

EN: Yesterday I felt in love! No, not with a man, but with a dress! We, women, know how many feelings a dress can raise in us and we also know that no other piece of clothing can make us feel more admired and desired then a dress that looks wonderful on us, a dress that gives us the status of woman of great sensuality. Today is time that you meet that dress: is a dress for occasions, suitable for a cocktail party, a fashion event or just a great party on a terrace.

RO: Ce imi place in mod deosebit la ea (o gasiti aici) este ca nu reprezinta rochia clasica de ocazie, ci o rochie mai altfel, mai speciala, cu o croiala interesanta si fluida. Creata din voal de matase si satin se aseaza frumos pe formele oricui, evidentiindu-i calitatile fizice. Este usor de accesorizat, perlele din talie putand fi combinate perfect cu o bratara delicata sau o pereche de cercei tot din perle.  Rafinament si eleganta intr-o singura rochie! 

EN: What I like most about it (you can find it here) is that it isn't the classic occasion dress, but a dress a little different, a special one, with a interesting and fluid cut. Made of silk veil and satin looks great on everyone's shapes emphasizing the physical qualities. It's also easy to accessorize, the pearls at the waist can be perfectly combined with a delicate bracelet or a pair of  pearl earrings. Refinement and elegance in one dress!

RO: Rochia este si in editie limitata, ceea ce inseamna ca nu foarte multa lume va avea aceeasi rochie ca tine. Stim cat de neplacut este sa mergi undeva si sa vezi o alta persoana imbracata la fel !

EN: The dress is limited edition, which means that not many people will have the same dress as you. We all know how unpleasant is to go somewhere and see another person dressed the same way!

Iata si alte rochii de pe site-ul cristallini.ro care mi-au atras atentia in mod deosebit:
Here are some other dresses from the cristallini.ro site that caught my attention:

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