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Wedding Sales: -15% reducere la toate verighetele si bijuteriile La Rosa


Momentul pe care l-ați așteptat cu nerăbdare amândoi de când tu ai întrebat "Vrei să fii soția mea?" și ea a răspuns "Da!" se apropie. După agitația provocată de căutarea inelului de logodnă perfect urmează cea în care voi vă decideți asupra verighetelor care vor încununa iubirea voastră. Este inelul pe care îl veți purta toată viața, așa că trebuie să faceți cea mai bună alegere. La Rosa vă ușurează sarcina și vine în întâmpinarea voastră în această perioadă cu campania WEDDING SALES cu o reducere de 15 % la toate verighetele și bijuteriile. 

Besthairbuy makes you achieve a cool new look


Hair is today't topic. I always like to wear my hair differently, always trying new ways to arrange it. But many times I get bored with my haircut or the color of my hair, that is why I change it so often. I do love changes that is why I think it will be fantastic to try different hairstyles. How can I do that? Well, I might as well try wigs or hair extensions. I think is incredibly fun to see how you will look with a wig. Have you tried it? 
I recently discovered a website that sells a wide range of wigs, hair extensions, hair wefts, hair pieces, etc. I'm talking about Besthairbuy.com. Why this site is better than others that sell wigs is that the ones sold here are made from human hair extensions, making them more appealing and resistant. 

Tedhair keeps your hair healthy in summer

Summer is here for some time now and in this hot season we need to take more care of our body: drink more water, eat more vegetables and fruits, wear sun protection. Our hair is subject to many more negative factor and is mandatory to protect it during summer. A way that we can do that (although it may seem unusual) is to wear wholesale hair. We can avoid all the UV radiations that hurts the hair plus we can make all sorts of changes to our look. Is incredibly fun to try new hairdos and hair colors every time we want.

We can also go for wholesale clip in hair, it not only gives volume, but it looks very natural too. 
They are very easy to attach, style and remove by yourself.  Clip In Hair Extensions are the easiest and safest way to add length, volume or color without causing damage to your own hair.

Europe road trip with Deichmann


 Sandals/Sandale - Deichmann
Dress/Rochie - HERE
Hat/Pălărie - C&A
Watch/Ceas - JORD

Photo credit: Sabin Barac

EN: Wow, already June! Summer! We can only think about vacation. Wherever our steps will take us, this summer we're looking for relaxation, but a lot of fun too. I don't know about your vacation plans (do tell), but I would love to take a road trip by train through Europe. I wouldn't say "no" to a visit to Lisbon or Naples, maybe a quick stop at Toulouse and Amsterdam, I would love to see Stockholm and Copenhagen as well and why not London and Dublin. The list is long, the trip would be the same. 

When you know you'll be walking tens of kilometres, the first thought that crosses your mind is to have a comfortable pair of shoes that allow you to enjoy the journey and not to suffer, in silence or not. :)) Deichmann will definitely be my companion in this vacation because it already gave me the perfect sandals: comfy, chic, good for long walks. Is easy to delight your eyes with beautiful landscapes that will arise along the way when you don't have to worry about a foot pain.

For my first stop, the one from Lisbon, I would like to wear this outfit: a "spanish" like dress , a practical and pretty hat, some accessories and a comfy pair of shoes. I think I will fit rather well in the Portuguese landscape.
Follow my adventure from the train station in the photos below.

Happy holiday, dears!

The wedding dress of your dreams is one click away

I'm all about weddings in the summer. And weddings outdoors are the best, especially if we are talking about a garden or the beach. I want more of my friends to get married just to enjoy this. :)) And since some of my friends are getting married I have some suggestion for them on where to buy the wedding dress, for you my readers, future brides, too. I'm talking about ModaBridal, a website specialized in all things "weddingy". Is time for the brides to get everything prepared for their dream wedding. The wedding dress is one of the most important things that needs to be taken care of before anything else. Choose the one that you think fits your taste the most and be the queen on one of the biggest days of your life.

Evening dresses for every taste

Hello, gals! Is late in the night and all I can think of is that summer is already here. Uuu, the vacation, the parties, the weddings I'm going to attend. And parties and weddings imply evening dresses. I'm sure you also wonder, as I do, where you can find the perfect long evening dress. Well, Sherrylondon is an website that provides chic and high quality dresses for any occasion. They have different sizes and made to measure also, plus size evening dresses are in their as well. 

Black is synonymous with elegance, you can never go wrong with it. Choose black evening dresses with interesting cuts, chic and one of a kind, like the one in the photo below.
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