Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Find the prom dress of your dreams


My dears, we as girls love to always look our best, to be the center of attention, to have the most beautiful dress in the room. Shopping is in our nature, I'm sure none of you can argue with that. We love to check stores after stores, but also love to shop online. We all know that is easier, we can check more products and all from the comfort of our house. 

And I know now that the school started you think of the prom night, that special night. And prom means searching for the perfect dress.  I have just the right solution for you, the Promtimes.co.uk site. You have a large selection of gorgeous, chic dresses to choose from. I even wish I had my prom to have the opportunity to wear one of their dresses. Is great that you have different colors to choose from, different silhouettes, fabrics, hemlines, necklines, embellishments, back details. I'm sure these prom dresses will steal your heart. I've picked some of my favorites for you, you will definitely like them. Also don't forget there are more than three thousand style for you to admire and make a decision. 

If you are on a budget, you can find prom dresses under 50. I promise you they are as beautiful as a dress can be.
So how do you picture your dream dress? How do you picture the prom night? They must be magical, you can make it magical with your attitude, with the way you feel dressed in that perfect dress.

Wonder Woman is wearing mom jeans


Crop top/Tricou - H&M
Jeans/Blugi - American Apparel
Shoes/Pantofi - Modlily
Earrings/Cercei - random store

EN: I do have a thing for Superhero tops. Now is Wonder Woman, last time was Superman. And it seems I keep pairing them with these mom jeans. :)) They are the go-to item for Superhero tops. :))) And of course, as you might have noticed, I'm wearing a crop top. I'm going nuts with these crop tops!
I will keep it short today, I don't know about sweet, because my apartment needs some good cleaning and it's time to get down to business. Wish me luck, I freaking need it!

McVitie's - biscuitul digestiv englezesc


McVitie’s te provoacă să descoperi biscuitul digestiv Original 
McVitie’s, biscuiţii creaţi în Anglia în anul 1892, provoacă acum românii să descopere gustul primei reţete de biscuiţi digestivi. Conform unui studiu intern realizat de McVitie’s, primii biscuiţi digestivi din lume, în prezent o treime dintre consumatorii din România aleg gustări cu un conţinut ridicat de fibre, proteine şi cereale integrale.
Reţeta McVitie’s - mai bună şi diversificată în timp
McVitie’s au fost produşi pentru prima dată în anul 1892 de Sir Alexander Grant, după mai bine de 50 de ani de experienţă în producerea biscuiţilor. De atunci, reţeta originală a fost permanent îmbunătăţită, s-au redus grăsimile şi zaharurile şi au fost create numeroase sortimente noi. În 1925 au fost realizaţi primii biscuiţi digestivi cu ciocolată, în 1985 a urmat gama McVitie’s HobNobs – biscuiţii cu ovăz, o altă inovaţie McVitie’s, iar în 1987 varianta lor cu ciocolată și lapte.
În prezent, aceşti biscuiţi fără arome artificiale sau coloranţi, produşi din ingrediente atent selecţionate, cu făină de grâu, faina integrală şi bicarbonat de sodiu, bogaţi în fibre (3,6%) şi elemente nutritive sunt cei mai îndrăgiţi biscuiţi englezeşti, aflaţi în topul preferinţelor consumatorilor din peste 100 de ţări. În Marea Britanie, biscuiţii digestivi sunt consumaţi cu ceai, în Suedia sunt savuraţi cu brânză, iar în Italia cu cafea, la micul dejun. Cei mai mulţi însă au descoperit noi posibilităţi de a-i consuma, cum ar fi în cheesecake, budincă sau fursecuri.

The crop shirt and the midi skirt


Shirt/Cămașă - Glow
Skirt/Fustă - Lovelyshoes
Shoes/Pantofi - Modlily
Earrings/Cercei - random store

EN: I have to wake up at 6 a.m tomorrow and I have a super busy day, but I got the feeling I will have another sleepless night. It won't be the first one, in fact if I slept will be a first lately. I'm proud that I can still function normally, but I do need my rest. And I need better days too, these sad days aren't of any help. Don't want them anymore! I will stop, I have to get ready for Webstock.
Guys, I invite you to see a new outfit. It seems this summer I had a passion for crop tops, fall is here and the passion is still going strong. Is shirts time to be too short and the one from today's post really is. I've wore it with a midi skirt and the coolest shoes. Tell me, you fancy it?
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