Your daily dose of bohemian vibe

Flirty red


Sweater/Pulover - HERE
Skirt/Fustă - FrontRowShop
Boots/Cizme - Filty

EN: Hello, guys! Do you have any exciting plans for this weekend? Me, I guess I will just chill with the boyfriend, maybe watch some movies, take a few walks. 
Lately I've discovered I have a thing for the color red. I didn't thought that red will look that good with orange hair. This sweater gave me headaches, it looks just like a scarf with sleeves, it was an adventure figuring out how to wear it. But once I put it on, I loved it.
I will keep it short and sweet today and just leave you with the photos. :)
Have a fun weekend!

A pants kinda gal?!


Top/Bluză - Zara via Kurtmann.ro
Jeans/Blugi - Zara via Zoto.ro
Boots/Cizme - Filty
Cardigan, belt/Jerseu, curea - random stores
Earrings/cercei - Rossetti

EN: I don't know what happened, but for a skirts and dresses lady I wore lots of pants lately. And I have more outfits coming where I also wear pants. I remember that in 2 or 3 years of blogging (I don't know the number of years exactly) I wore pants only 3 or 4 times, but in the last year I began wearing them more and more. I don't know the reason, but I bet when spring and summer will be here, you will see me only in dresses and skirt. 
This cool pair of jeans is from Zoto.ro. I chose it for the interesting color and the fit. I had another look with it in mind, but not finding the clothes I wanted to pair it with in my messy closet didn't helped at all. So I improvised something 10 minutes before I went out the door. Anyways, I hope you like it.
Ohh, let's not forget about the decoupage blouse from Kurtmann.ro. I find its design very in and very beautiful. Is still available here at a great price.
Enjoy your week, guys!

The butterflies are coming!


Cardigan/jerseu - MNG via Zoto.ro
Pants/Pantaloni - Chicnova
Boots/Ghete - Romwe
Bag/geantă - Newt

EN: Is a new week and hopefully a happy one for all of us. To kick start this week with the right foot I'm showing you a colorful outfit meant to lift the mood. The butterflies cardigan is sure an adorable piece of clothing that makes us think even more of spring. Its print is the cutest. You just need to look at it and it will bring a smile to your face. This is the type of clothes I love! If you like it too, you can buy it from Zoto.ro, a Romanian outlet with clothes from Zara and Mango.
I don't know, I feel even my outfits look different with this new hair color. Right? Is amazing how a new haircut or a new hair color or a different make-up can make you look so different. If you want a mood booster, just do a little change on you appearance and you will notice how you feel better about yourself and more energized. I like to always experience something new, that is why I have in mind some other changes on my look. You just stay close to find out more. :)

Selfies cu Huawei Ascend P7


Primăvara selfie-urilor începe cu Huawei. Dacă anul 2014 a fost anul selfie-urilor, 2015 este cu siguranță anul selfie-urilor perfecte!
Utilizatorii au cerințe din ce în ce mai ridicate în ceea ce privește camerele foto frontale ale smartphone-urilor lor, iar Huawei vine în întâmpinarea acestora cu modele de top, precum 
Huawei Ascend P7.

Dotat cu una din cele mai bune camere frontale din industrie, Huawei Ascend P7 le oferă 
utilizatorilor șansa de a realiza imagini de tip selfie clare și expresive. 
În plus, multiplele opțiuni de editare foto, încă dinainte de a realiza fotografia, și caseta de previzualizare a imaginii, transformă smartphone-ul într-un “must have” în materie de tehnologie.
În primăvara aceasta, Huawei le oferă clienților un motiv în plus să își facă selfie-uri cu un smartphone nou: vouchere cadou în rețeaua magazinelor Sephora.
Astfel, utilizatorii care achiziționează un smartphone Huawei Ascend P7 sau Ascend G6 din magazinele selelecționate Germanos*, vor primi un voucher în valoare de 200 ron, respectiv 100 ron, pentru orice fel de cumpărături în magazinele Sephora.
*Promoție valabilă în perioada 12 februarie – 17 martie 2015. Pentru Regulamentul complet al promoției vă rog să consultați pagina de Facebook Huawei Romania.
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