Your daily dose of bohemian vibe



Wow..it's been so long..again!:) And yes, I have the same excuse: my computer died once more. So I've been computer free for almost three weeks! But I received the greatest gift: a laptop! So no more problems with the computer from now on..yuuuu-huuuu!

How you all have been? Any exciting news in your life?:)
I promise I will be checking your blogs and try to catch up with your posts.
If you have some time I would love if you check out the interview with me for Papillon Chouettes's blog and tell me what you think about it. Thanks again, Angie!

I will leave you with the outfit from yesterday (never mind the bottle of water)
Have a great week!

Belt-handmade by BURP
Ring-handmade by Raluca Botez
Sandals-BB up
Skirt-no name


  1. Welcome back,hon!Beautiful pics!Love the blazer!

  2. i love the sandals, I wanted to get them too :)

  3. hello gorgeous! i've missed you! you look swell in that gorgeous mustard blazer and i love that ruffled skirt! visit on over to my blog, i have a giveaway going on! click {{here}} to enter!
    lyndsey of hellolyndsey

  4. I was missing you. Loving your outfit, and the bottle of water is part of being natural hehehehe.

  5. you look great in that color!! I also love the belt!

    Miss you!!


  6. Wow, congrats on getting a laptop! And Welcome back :D

    I loved the interview, it was lovely to find out more about you. And these photos are so pretty, you look gorgeous in mustard! xx

  7. I=m in love with mustard yellow season! great chocie of colors! u look lovely

  8. love the blazer colour!
    great look!


  9. Welcome Mona is so nice to see a new post on your blog!

  10. Welcome back, we missed you:P :*>:D<

  11. Welcome back! Hope you won't have any problems with you laptop this time :)) Lovely blazer, the color is cool! :D

  12. mustard is a lovely colour! The blazer looks great on you! welcome back in the online world:)) I would gone crazy without my comp two weeks

  13. caaat de draguta poate fi cureaua ;x

  14. I love the mustard blazer and the wide belt. A very beautiful look Mina, you look great. I didn't even notice the bottle of water. I was to busy checking you out :))

    PS Thank you so much for the bday wish :*

  15. that belt is super cute!! i also really love that skirt!

  16. I thoroughly enjoyed your interview! That you blog simply for the love of it is wonderful-me too! It;s so much fun, and meeting lovely like minded people has been a huge bonus!
    Mustard rocks!Love your sandals, and I enjoy a view of a country I have never been to through your blog! O,I wonder if crazy (in a fun,wild way) is a Romanian thing?? I've known a few over the years,and I have found them all to have such enthusiasm for the moment and hilarious craziness!

  17. nu te inteleg,daca ai o problema cu greutatea,de ce sa-ti scoti defectele in evidenta purtand o fusta stramta care iti face picioarele sa se semene cu niste buturele oparite?

  18. poate te intereseaza :). mersi

  19. Mona darling I love your belt so much!! <3

  20. Mie nu imi place cum iti sta cu fusta asta stramta...te face foarte dolofana.De ce nu porti haine care sa te avantajeze,potrivite siluetei tale? O fusta cu talie inalta si dreapta,care sa nu "tipe" pe tine,cred ca ar fi o alegere mult mai ok.

  21. Love the belt so much! I have just came across to your blog and..I love your unique way of creating all the posts and your special writing! Not to mention the name of your blog! I'm definetely a follower now, and I was hoping we can keep in touch , because fashionable girls should stick toghether. I'm a blogger myself, so it's not hard at all finding me around all the fashionistas communities and my blog's facebook page.
    Hugs , kisses and good luck with blogging!!!
    Mary from http://teenfashiondiary.blogspot.com/


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